Our economic climate means freedom is influenced by various challenges. Here’s how to practically lay down the road towards the ultimate dream.
Ask just about anyone you know what financial freedom looks like to them, and you’re likely to hear a few common themes: the ability to be free of debt, not live pay cheque to pay cheque, and maybe even afford a few luxuries along the way, like a holiday or dream car. The truth is, very few South Africans are equipped to live this dream. And fewer still are prepared to enjoy it after retirement.
According to DebtBusters, over the past six years alone, the average loan size in South Africa increased by 45%, with the average consumer spending around 62% of their income to service their debt obligations. On the other hand, the 2022 Sanlam Benchmark Survey reports that 55% of retirement fund members had experienced reduced household income as a result of Covid-19, with 18.5% having accessed some sort of long-term investment.
Considering the grim picture these statistics paint, it’s clear that for many ordinary South Africans, financial freedom might seem like a pipe dream. But the truth is, it can be unlocked. It’s important to view financial freedom as a road map, with certain milestones along the way.