Simplify offshore investing with Glacier International
Glacier International’s Navigate Optimised Portfolios comprise a guided list of investment choices to help simplify investing offshore.
These portfolios have been constructed to appeal both to investors who are new to offshore investing and looking for guidance, as well as to seasoned offshore investors who are looking for a considered offshore investment solution. Essentially, Navigate Optimised Portfolios take care of the portfolio management decisions for you.
Navigate Optimised Portfolios
Why choose Navigate Optimised Portfolios?
Glacier Financial Solutions (Pty) Ltd is a licensed financial services provider.
Glacier International is a division of Sanlam Life Insurance Ltd, a Licensed Life Insurer, Financial Services and Registered Credit Provider (NCRCP43).
The Global Life Plan is an offshore endowment policy and the Global Investment Plan is an offshore sinking fund. Both policies are issued by the Sanlam Life Insurance Bermuda branch.
The Glacier Offshore Investment Plan is a flexible, discretionary savings vehicle which offers investors the opportunity to invest offshore, accessing different markets and currencies. The Glacier Offshore Investment Plan is administered by Glacier Financial Solutions (Pty) Ltd, licensed administrative financial services provider, FSP 770.
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