A Handy Checklist Before a Holiday Trip | Blignaut BlueStar | Sanlam Financial Planners Pretoria

Financial Planning

Holiday checklist

Whether you’re planning an end-of-year trip or a staycation, these checklists and tips will help you enjoy your holiday with confidence.

Travel plan

A handy checklist
before a holiday trip

Click here to download the holiday checklist in pdf format.


Confirm your travel and accommodation arrangements.

  • Tell your security company you’re going away.
  • Tell your household insurer you’re going away.
    If you’re going on a road trip:
  • Take your vehicle for a road safety check.
  • Make sure your vehicle and driver’s licenses are up to date
  • Ask a trusted neighbour to keep an eye on your home and collect your mail while you’re away.
  • Pack a medical kit to take with you on your trip.
  • If you’re flying, check the airline’s luggage restrictions.
  • Leave your contact details, house keys and alarm codes with a friend or relative.
  • Empty your fridge of any items that might spoil while you’re away.
  • If you’re flying, check in online before youleave for the airport.
  • Check that your bank cards are activated.
  • Make sure you have the contact numbers to report stolen or lost bank cards.
  • Lock doors and windows and unplug all electrical appliances before you leave home.
  • Make sure you have all your important documents like your ID, passport and plane tickets.

Financial checklist

It’s always a good idea to plan now for peace of mind later. And with your financial affairs in order, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy a worry-free holiday.

  • Is your will signed, up to date, and stored in a safe place e.g. with a trust company?
  • If you’re driving, is your vehicle insurance up to date?
  • Do you have enough liquidity in your estate to support your loved ones should something happen to you?
  • Do you have funeral cover and accident cover in place?
  • Is your life cover and list of beneficiaries up to date?
  • Does your short-term insurance cover all your possessions?
  • Are all of your portfolio documents up to date and stored in a safe place?
  • Have you reviewed your medical aid needs and chose an optimal medical scheme and option selection aligned to your specific needs?

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Planning a staycation?

If you’re having a holiday at home, remember Confidence Rule 19: Always have a plan A. And B. And C. Here are five ways to make the most of your


Take a tech break

Unplug from the internet by limiting the time you spend on your devices, and recharge by spending time in nature instead.


Explore your city

It’s always fun to be a tourist in your own city – so visit that restaurant you’ve been meaning to try, go to a museum, or have a picnic in the park.


Read a good book

There’s a reason people talk about getting lost in a good book – it’s one of the best ways to unwind on holiday.


Have a spa day

There’s nothing quite like a good massage to help you relax. So why not invite a friend to enjoy a spa treatment with you and make a day of it?


Go for a hike

Take advantage of the summer weather by enlisting a few friends to explore a local hiking trail with you.

Here’s to a happy holiday!

However you choose to spend your holiday, we hope you find time to relax, have fun, connect with your loved ones, and enjoy a little me-time, too.

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