1. A blood pressure test
In South Africa, men are at high risk for heart disease, which can lead to a heart attack. High blood pressure is one of the leading signs that you may be entering dangerous territory when it comes to your cardiovascular health. A blood pressure test is quick and easy – you can have it done at most pharmacies, Clicks and Dis-Chem, or through your doctor. Include cholesterol, body mass index (BMI) and glucose tests while you’re at it, for peace of mind.
2. A trip to the dermatologist or a skin biopsy
South Africa has a very high rate of skin cancer, among both men and women. You don’t need to be sunburned to be at risk of skin cancer – even 15 minutes of exposure to the sun can do permanent damage. Using SPF daily is a non-negotiable (yes, in winter too), and doing regular skin self-examinations (checking for moles, discolouration, etc.) is key. A trip to the dermatologist is also recommended, where a skin analysis can be performed to highlight any concerns, followed by a skin biopsy if necessary, to determine if you have skin cancer.
3. A PSA test
Prostate cancer is the most common (non-skin cancer) cancer that affects men. Men often shudder at the thought of what used to be a rather invasive test, but a rectal examination is no longer required to identify issues. According to CANSA, annual prostate specific antigen (PSA) testing is essential to help detect prostate cancer early, and it is performed through a simple blood test.
You can never be over cautious when it comes to your health – so take the time this month to book your important health checks and stay on top of your wellness. And while you’re at it, make sure that you have sufficient medical cover in place – Sanlam offers various policies to suit your needs and life stage; if you don’t have anything in place yet, contact your financial adviser today.